Afterworks cocktails in Bissap Food
It is the time to relax, to enjoy with the people with whom you have been working side by side since the morning. It’s afterword time at Bissap.
And if you don’t want to be caught on an empty stomach or if you realize that when you get home it’s going to be too late for dinner, take a look at our afterwork snack offer.
The natural fruit we use provides this cocktail with the orange and pinkish colour of the sunset. It’s the colour of the sky just before the sun goes down. The origin of the name comes from the movie. The perfect combination of natural tropical fruits with a touch of white rum.
10 €
The colours of this cocktail, bursting with exotic flavour, are reminiscent of the jungle. Perfect for a sunny afternoon, it’s a combination of citrus and tropical fruit juice and vegetable juice, with a fresh touch of mint and chromatic Gin.
10 €
Although it appears to be extremely sweet at first, this cocktail will surprise you with its hidden touch of liqueur that enhances its playful personality. A perfect combination of sweet liqueurs and chocolate.
10 €
10 A refreshing drink inspired by the star-filled night. The name comes from the painting by the Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh. The blue colour represents the night and the lemon garnish refers to the stars. A combination of blueberries, citrus juice and delicate vodka aroma.
10 €
This is a cocktail inspired by love, meant to be enjoyed as a couple. The sweetness of the Bissap and the refreshing orange favour make for an enchanting combination that will surely steal your loved one’s heart away. Hibiscus, citrus, red fruits and white rum. Fresh and sweet
10 €